
Friday, August 30, 2013

Feeding the BEAST!

It never fails...after a really intense workout, you're starving like a pig!  You're grabbing the first piece of food that crosses your path, without any regard for how bad it might be for you at the time.  I personally crave nothing but carbs...sweet carbs.

Here are a few simple ways that I've found that helped me cut my post-workout binges.

  1. Eat a snack - have a small snack right after you finish a workout.  Giving your body a little something helps keep it from craving your entire fridge.  Your snack should have carbs and protein and should be about 200 calories.  I usually grab a smoothie with a scoop of protein powder.
  2. Try to eat every 3-4 hours - regular snacking helps keep a steady blood sugar level. 
  3. Don't create a rewards system - ...Not with food anyway.  We've all said that at some point after a really amazing workout, we'll reward ourselves with a big meal or some sort of treat.  At that point, you're probably eating more calories than you've burned in the gym.  Don't grab a meal with the mindset of eating just because you can.  Eat normal portions and wait a few minutes after you've finished eating.  If you're still hungry, grab a little more.
  4. WATER!!! - A lot of times, when you feel like you're hungry, you're not.  You're just dehydrated. Your brain can't always tell the difference.  Drink water before, during, and after a workout to help cut back on some of these hunger pains.
  5. Protein is your friend - Ingesting protein after a workout not only helps build lean muscle mass, but also cuts hunger cravings.  Learn to incorporate protein in some form at each meal.
  6. Fiber is your friend too - fiber is a bulky nutrient that's good for your digestive system. Because it's bulky, it also fills you up with less calories. I've learned to grab fruit and whole grains for post-workout snacks. 
Contact: Tabitha Artis
Instagram: @tabsmiles

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Stressed Out?

Stress plays a HUGE role in our lives.  It's everywhere.  Some stress is good for you, while the rest of it tears you to pieces.

I wear about a million hats. I'm a full time college student, girlfriend, dog mom, youth group leader, health and wellness coach, business owner, big sister, daughter, 2nd in command mommy in my house, and so much more.  Those who know me, know that I invest a great deal of time in school and my family and relationships. Very little time is devoted to myself,  It took a complete meltdown a couple of weeks ago for me to see just how stressed out I was. I was in the middle of summer school finals and experiencing a severe burnout.

Yes, me.  The health and wellness coach.  The one who is supposed to be teaching you how to keep yourself balanced and well. We all fall short.  I wanted to use this post to talk about what I have learned from my own experience and through some research.

Time Management

I do everything for everyone.  I like to be on the go and moving.  Often, my ripping and running up and down the highway taking care of errands for myself and others kept me busy versus being productive.  Many times, people tell me to "work smarter, not harder".  It makes perfect sense, and even though I felt that I had a pretty good grip on my life, I was sadly mistaken

  • Make a schedule and stick to it! - Write down important tasks, meetings, etc and the time they are occurring.  Don't forget to plan in some "me" time.
  • Write stuff down - don't feel like you can remember it all. I have a pretty good memory and STILL forget minor stuff that eventually adds up.  I sync my tablet, iPhone, and computer AND keep a written calendar.  Between these four, there's no more forgetting anything.
  • Prioritize - Begin your day by writing down what you need to do each day and rank them in order of importance on a numeric scale with 1 being the most important. That part is easy. The hard part was actually sticking to this task list.  I often found myself putting off bigger, less exciting tasks for last and being up a creek when crunch time.  Self-discipline is also important here.  Take bigger tasks and break them down into small pieces. It WILL change your life!
  • Look at how you're spending your time - No, seriously.  Look at how you're spending your time. You'd be surprised at how much time you spend on small, petty stuff.  For me, it was ripping and running the road running errands for people. I'd spend huge chunks of my day in the car and not even 25% of that time actually completing the important tasks. It also helped to write stuff down and prioritize.

Look At How You're Living

Diet, exercise, and sleep play a huge role in how your body can handle stress.  Creating a healthier lifestyle
improves your focus and concentration and even your body's ability to recover from a rough day.

Check Your Work and Living Spaces

Clutter has a huge impact on how you function.  It is a subtle stressor that contributes to mental chaos.  Take some time to clean and reoganize your living and work spaces and see how you feel afterwards.

Eat cleaner

Changing your eating habits alone will do wonders for you.  You'll see your energy level improve as well as your ability to concentrate.  On the go eating and a lack of adequate sleep really takes a lot out of you.  A lot of people use coffee and energy drinks as a go-to to help keep them alert.  Energy drinks are horrible for you.  No, really...they suck.  Some drinks say they can improve mental focus and energy, but that's always short lived.  Drink plenty of water, when you're dehydrate, your brain can't quite function as well as it should and it tricks you into thinking it's sleepy when really all you need is water.  Try to drink half your weight in ounces of water.  My favorite app for monitoring water intake is "Water Your Body" and it is available for iOS and in the Google Play store.

Get some sleep

As a college student, I felt like it was just normal to not sleep.  I mean, all-nighters are just a common aspect of the average college student's life.  My problem was that I was pulling all-nighters several days a week and then getting up early in the morning. That all ties back in to the time management section above.  Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep to recharge their bodies.  

Adequate sleep keeps your immune system strong, helps with weight management, boosts your mood and mental focus, and wards off a number of health ailments.  You kinda need that sleep.  Make sure you're budgeting enough time into your schedule to get those necessary hours; give yourself a bedtime.  Naps are awesome, I generally have to have one (I'm a big baby).  If you can manage it in your time budget, give yourself 30 minutes to an hour (no more) to recharge.  Trust me, it's a lot easier than it sounds.  Just write everything down!

Get Active

You'd be surprised at the role exercise plays in mental focus and even improving your energy levels.  Get a workout in early in the day, even if it is just for 30 minutes.  Exercise will refresh your body and give you a nice boost to get you through the day.  Do this as at least 2-3 times a week and watch how your energy levels and mental focus soar and your stress levels decline.

A Little Extra

I also use my own It Works! supplements to help me with mental focus.  Our products are a God-send.  They are all natural products that work with your body to restore balance.  I swear by the Greens and Confianza to help me with natural energy and mental focus.  

The Greens are packed with enough nutrients to give you your recommended daily 8 servings of fruits and veggies.  Just mix in juice or water and go.  It also helps give you a natural energy boost and detox your body, which also helps with energy.

Confianza is an anti-stress formula that also works to improve your mental focus.  I pop two of these in the morning with my Greens and I'm good to go!  I SWEAR by this power duo!


I'm amazed at how much more extra PRODUCTIVE time I have on my hands now that I'm beginning to learn how to stick to what's written in my calendar and take into account how other areas of my life are affecting me.  I've been 2 weeks without a freak out and I'm more focused.  I'm happier, more energetic, and I'm not looking back "BOOM!" *Tamar Voice*

Contact: Tabitha Artis
Instagram: @tabsmiles

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Get Colorful

My dinner tonight consists of grilled ribs and
grilled fruits and veggies (various peppers, onions,
pineapple and mango)
We're finally seeing warmer temps. My one of my favorite things about warm weather is being able to fire up my grill and throw down! Grill your food instead of frying or sauteing it. Oil and butter contribute to your fat count. Make your sides colorful. The more color in your fruits and veggies, the better. Different color veggies have various benefits.

Red fruits and veggies are packed with a ton Vitamin C.  Red peppers have twice as much Vitamin C as an orange.  Adding spices aids in digestion. Hot red peppers like cayenne have substance called capsaicin that breaks down mucus and even may play a role in curbing appetite.  They're also known to help lower blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and even reduce tumor growth.  Reds are also known for bone and joint support for arthritis patients.

Suggestions: apples, strawberries, watermelon, beets, tomatoes, cranberries, pomegranate, red onion, red pepper

Blue and Purple
Purple veggies offer anti-cancer and anti-viral  benefits. They're great for boosting your immune system.  Purple veggies are packed with B-Vitamins that also aid in skin cell regeneration and improve your digestion. Eating blue and purple fruits and veggies also improves your body's ability to absorb calcium and other minerals that are essential to your body's optimal functioning.

Suggestions: blueberries, blackberries, grapes, plums, pomegranate, figs, purple cabbage, raisins, purple grapes.

Orange and Yellow
Orange veggies have carotenoids, like beta-carotene, in them that provide you with a little extra defense against UV rays.  You're also going to find Vitamin C in orange fruits and veggies.  Orange fruits and veggies are also known for reducing LDL cholesterol and blood pressure levels.  They also promote healthy collagen development for healthy joints.  Oranges and yellowx also help promote healthy bone formation.

Suggestions:  apricots, butternut squash, cantaloupe, grapefruit, lemon, mangoes, sweet potatoes, orange and yellow peppers, tangerines, corn, pumpkin, rutabaga

White fruits and veggies share many similar benefits to orange and yellow.  They're also great for kicking that immune system into gear.  They activate the B and Killer-T Cells that your body needs to fight off infections, viruses, etc.  They also work to balance your hormone levels and prevent hormone-related and prostate cancers.

Suggestions: bananas, brown pears, cauliflower, garlic, ginger, mushrooms, onions, shallots, white corn, turnips

Greens are my favorites!  The darker, the better!  Green veggies are packed with a ton of fiber, calcium, folic acid, flavanoids, and other stuff.  Greens are known for their ability to reduce cancer risks.  They lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels, support vision, and boost immunity.  They're also known to aid in digestion (get you regular).  The cool thing about greens is that you get a ton of health benefits packed in to low calorie options. Yay for weight loss!  Greens are have antioxidants and also aid in collagen growth (and prevent its breakdown). It's great for getting healthy, clear skin, with fewer wrinkles.

Suggestions: collards, spinach, avocado, artichokes, asparagus, arugula, green apples, green beans, green cabbage, green grapes...the possiblities are endless!

Contact: Tabitha Artis
Instagram: @tabsmiles

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Late Night Cravings?

Are you up late and hungry?  You're probably thinking about that ice cream in your freezer, or maybe a bag of chips. Something quick and easy, right? Oftentimes,  quick and easy isn't the best solution. You often fill yourself up with stuff that will make you regret that move in the morning. Here's a little information to help you find a guilt-free snack.
First off,  WHY are you hungry late at night?  Late night food cravings can be linked to a few different causes.
Dehydration is a big cause for your late night hunger pains. Increase your water intake during the day to keep you from reaching for bad stuff at night.
You could simply be bored. I know that I, personally yes to reach for snacks when I get bored and i'm not necessarily hungry.
Low sodium or sugar levels. Now, that doesn't mean you bo grabbing for your chips or cookies just yet!!
A lack of or low levels of protein.
Niw that you know some of the potential causes for your hunger, you can begin to really think aboutmhealthy snacks that will hell you fill up. Change your mindset. Don't think about what it is that you WANT to eat, but what it is that you SHOULD eat. This eventually becomes easker with time,  almost like second nature. Remember that late night snacking contributes to weight gain if you don't do it right.
Because dehydration plays a role in late night hunger binges, try drinking water first. If you don't feel better,  then you can start thinking about food. .. but what to eat? ?? You want protein rich snacks. Snacks with a lot of protein include yogurt, granola bars,  cheese and crackers, cereal eith skim milk, a healthy and nutritious sandwich, veggie sticks, and fruit.
Eating healthily doesn't always have to be a chore. Eating well doesn't have to be a hassle, nor does it have to taste bad. You'd be surprised at how simple it can be. You are not limited to my suggestions. Find protein-rich snacks that work for you. The possibilities are ENDLESS! Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Contact: Tabitha Artis
Instagram: @tabsmiles

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Smoothies and Juicing

Smoothies are great for you and are a personal favorite at Healthier Divas.  I'm absolutely obsessed!  Depending on how they're made, they can be a quick meal substitute or just something to go along on the side.  Here are some of my favorites (some that I have mixed up myself, and others recipes that I have adopted from other places).  It is OK to use frozen fruits and veggies, but keep in mind that organic fruits and veggies lack preservatives and sugar.  Feel free to alter your smoothies to your personal preferences. All of my smoothies are single serving smoothies.

Since I've become an independent distributor for It Works! Global, I have begun to add Greens to my smoothies and juices.  Greens is a powder that can be added to your favorite juice, water, or smoothie to alkalize and detox your body.  One serving of greens also gives you the nutrients of 8 servings of fruits and vegetables.  Like any supplement, the REAL thing is better, so make sure you're eating your fruits and veggies as well :)

Green Tea Smoothie

I'm a self-proclaimed green tea addict. Green tea has so many health benefits, it's crazy!  This smoothie is definitely my favorite.

  • 1 tsp, matcha powder (matcha is the highest grade of green tea available. You can find it in places like Whole Foods or Trader Joes)
  • peaches, mangoes, strawberries, bananas
  • yogurt (frozen or refrigerated)
  • water and ice
You can use any combination of the fruits listed above.  I'm not a huge fan of bananas. I like the peach by itself, or mango and strawberry together.

Green Smoothie (Energy)

This is more of a juice than a smoothie, but it's so yummy!  The ginger adds a nice kick to it.  The juice is great for providing natural energy and adding some alkalinity to your diet.  This is a that I had to adjust to, so I added sugar to help me get used to the taste and I gradually weaned myself off of it.

  • 2 handfuls of fresh spinach
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • fresh ginger (you will need a piece that is about the size of your thumb)
  • 1 apple
  • water and ice

Another recipe for a green smoothie that I have been dying to try can be found here.

Green Berry
Yep, you're definitely seeing a trend.  I'm obsessed with green.  Greens have so many awesome health benefits and help keep your colon happy.

  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Spinach or broccoli (or both)
  • Vanilla Yogurt
  • Ice and milk (coconut, almond, or soy are fine)

Green Refresher
OK, OK, This is my last green smoothie. I LOVE this smoothie.  It's great in the morning because the combo of the mint and melon is just so refreshing.  A super healthy way to jump start your day.
  • 2 slices of melon (either honeydew or cantaloupe is just fine)
  • A handful of fresh mint
  • 1/2 bag fresh spinach
  • 1/2 mango
  • 1/4 cucumber
  • 4 oz. apple juice
  • plain yogurt
  • ice

Just Veggies
This smoothie is a great way to get in a serving of veggies.  Get that fiber in, make your colon happy, and give yourself a nice little energy boost.  This is one of those smoothies that you have to acquire a taste for, but it's growing on me. Hopefully, you'll love it. It turns out to be a gorgeous orange color too :)
  • 1 Carrot
  • Thumb sized piece of ginger
  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1/4 cucumber
  • 4 oz. apple juice
  • ice

Go Blue (Energy)
This smoothie is phenomenal.  It provides a great boost of energy to get you through the day and it tastes great.  The recipe calls for muesli which is basically a granola cereal.  You can find it in grocery stores, or make it yourself.  I also eat muesli as a snack throughout the day.
  • 1/2 mango
  • 1/2 banana
  • A handful of blueberries
  • 4 oz. apple juice
  • 1 tablespoon muesli
  • plain yogurt
  • ice

Oatmeal Smoothie
This is a Martha Stewart recipe (go figure) but it's so great!  You get all of the benefits of oatmeal and fruit.  This is great for breakfast.
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • strawberries
  • banana
  • yogurt
  • sugar to taste
  • ice and milk

Kick Start Booster
This smoothie packs a serious energy boost.  It's packed full of vitamins and I love to drink this one before I work out.  I'm a berry fiend, so this one definitely goes down in the books as one of my favorites.
  • 4-5 strawberries
  • Handful of raspberries
  • 1 banana
  • 3-4 pineapple slices
  • 4 oz. orange juice
  • ice

Power Punch (Protein)
Seeds and nuts are a great way to get the protein you need in your diet. This smoothie gives you a bit extra to keep you strong and help with post-workout recovery.  I thought this one sounded delish, I haven't been able to try it because I'm allergic to tree nuts.
  • 1 banana
  • 5-10 cherries
  • 4 oz. orange juice
  • plain yogurt
  • a small amount of seed (mixed variety,sunflower, pumpkin...whatever floats your boat)
  • 4-5 walnuts
  • Ice

Chocolate Peanut Butter
  • peanut butter
  • chocolate syrup
  • apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries (this one is traditionally done with bananas, but I don't like them, so I improvise)
  • yogurt (i prefer vanilla)
  • ice and milk

My Green Juice

  • 1 Green Apple
  • 2 handfuls of kale
  • 1/2 cucumber

Berry Juice

  • 1 cup Strawberries - hulled
  • 1 cup Raspberries
  • 1/2 cup Blackberries
  • 1/2 cup Blueberries
  • 1 Cucumber - whole
  • 1 Tbsp. Agave Nectar

Orange and Ginger
  • 1 Orange or 2 Clementines
  • 3 Strawberries
  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 Large Carrots
  • 1/2 inch Fresh Ginger

This one is supposed to be good for your skin

  • 12 baby carrots
  • 2 cups of cranberries
  • 2 golden apples 
  • 1 handful of kale

This one packs a lot of iron, but I'm not crazy about it

  • 1 beet
  • 1 apple
  • 1/2 cup of broccoli 
  • 2 kale leaves

Depending on my day and activity level, I add protein powder to my smoothies.  Protein is great when you're working out or if you're like me and trying to gain weight.  Adding protein helps your body generate muscle.  The best time to have protein shakes/smoothies is right after a workout so that you muscles can begin healing and rebuilding.

Tweak these smoothies to your personal preference.  There's no right or wrong way to do it.  These are just some of my personal favorites!

Contact: Tabitha Artis
Instagram: @tabsmiles

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Hi ladies! I am so thrilled about the opportunity to be able to share my passion for health and wellness with you!  This blog will provide you with inspiration, healthy eating and nutrition tips, as well as tips for staying fit and healthy. It is so important that we are able to maintain our physical, spiritual, and emotional health.  We cannot function properly when one of these three is out of whack.

As women, we try to juggle the world! We are superheroes! But like many superheroes, we work so hard to save the world without focusing on what is good for US.  This blog will help you pinpoint what areas of your life you can adjust to make sure you are feeling your best at all times. Even Superwoman is allowed to have fun!